A return to basics

Beccaria's contributions to coping with torture from a human rights viewpoint


  • Fábio Luiz Nunes Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG)


This research approaches, from a literature review, the influence of illuminist thinker Cesare Beccaria on the evolution of the fight against torture practices in the scope of human rights. We consider that the author’s criticism to the legal system of his time is a foundation on which the contemporary human rights perspective against torture is developed.


2024-12-16 — Updated on 2024-12-18


How to Cite

Nunes, F. L. (2024). A return to basics: Beccaria’s contributions to coping with torture from a human rights viewpoint. Revista De Direito UNIFACEX, 12(01). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unifacex.com.br/direito/article/view/1199 (Original work published December 16, 2024)



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